
Family Team Meetings

PA Child offers families in York County the ability to gather together in an attempt to identify solutions to the concerns that they are facing. Through an approach that inspires hope, trained family teaming specialists engage with family members, their supports, and community service providers to allow the family voice to take center stage and guide the process of caring for one another. Family Teaming specialists will coordinate and facilitate meaningful conversations with one another, culminating in a Family Meeting where all voices are heard. The family creates a plan that best suits their needs and reflects the family strengths. For more information, please contact the Family Teaming staff at

What happens at the Family Team Meeting?
• Phase One: Welcome and Introductions
• Phase Two: Information Sharing: Strengths, Concerns and Resources
• Phase Three: Plan Collaboration, Development, and Acceptance
• Phase Four: Planning for Next Steps

Frequently Asked Questions:
1. What are the benefits of a Family Team Meeting? • Allows a neutral party to engage the family regarding the possible supports • Provides a guiding plan, developed by the family, to support their own kin • Reframes the helping relationship of child and family caring organizations
2. What is the time commitment for a referring worker? • Referral meeting with FTM Coordinator (remote) (1 hour) • Optional: Pre-meeting conference (remote) with service providers (½ hour) • Family Team Meeting (in person preferred at a neutral location) to approve the family plan (2-3 hours)
3. Who is responsible for Family Team Meeting plan follow-up? • Ultimately, the Plan belongs to the family so they will follow-up • Collaborative team: Family, Referring Worker/Supervisor, and Service Providers
4. What is the role of the PA Child FTM staff after the Team Meeting? • Serves as a consultant for Plan implementation • Follows-up with the family and referring worker at regular intervals to report outcomes (6-, 12-, 18-months)